Want to Volunteer?
Get in touch with us by email info@karekarelandcare.org
Call Estelle on 0274491707
or Fill out the volunteer form here
Catch Report
You have caught a rat, stoat, possum? Help us measure the success of our efforts as a community.
Please report your catches here.
Or register on Trap.NZ, join Karekare Landcare project and get in touch once you have done it on info@karekarelandcare.org.
Find here the Pied Piper Standard Operating Procedures.
PEST OFF RODENT BLOCK Safety Data Sheet here
D-BLOCK Safety Data Sheet here
PINDONE PELLETS Safety Data Sheet here
Pied Piper
Here are a few great links from other groups to get trapping:
Tips to get started (Thanks to predator Free Wellington great resources!)
Get Set, Trap!
Stuck with your DOC 200? Here are a couple of useful videos:
DOC 200
Under Auckland’s Regional Pest Management Plan properties in active park buffer zones must remove moth plant, woolly nightshade, wild ginger, rhamnus, climbing asparagus and bushy asparagus.
For photos and information on these weeds please have a look at the flyer here or visit www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/buffers.
Looking to eradicate another weed in your backyard?
Check Pest Search, Weedbusters or the Forest & Bird websites.